Are Diamond Inclusions a Problem?
Most diamond inclusions are invisible to the naked eye. A small number of diamond inclusions are visible, but certainly not deal breakers.
Then there are those nasty inclusions, the worst of the worst, the bad eggs. Let’s have a quick look at the worst offenders.
Worst Diamond Inclusions
Black Carbon Spots: These are tiny black dots inside the diamond that look like pieces of crushed pepper. Not only are these pesky spots an assault on your eyes, but they can also really impact how much your diamond can sparkle.
When light enters your diamond, all it wants to do is bounce around inside. Unfortunately, these black spots behave like pillars inside the stone, blocking the light from dancing around inside.
What a nuisance! If you are set on a diamond of lower clarity, the best way to avoid this issue is to choose a stone with as little spots as possible, or one where the spots are hidden in places where they won’t be seen, like the underneath of the diamonds or where it will be covered by the ring setting.
Center-Stage Inclusions: I call them center-stage inclusions because they sit smack bang in the middle of the stone, for all the world to see.
To avoid these show-stealers, make sure you see a detailed plot of the inclusions in the stone, as well as magnified pictures of the diamond itself. This way you can avoid any awkward encounters with these diamond disasters.
Cracks and Fractures: Not only do they look unsightly but they also make your diamond weaker. Imagine getting a little too excited gesturing and smacking that diamond against the wall, cracking it in half. You can avert this potential disaster by avoiding diamonds with large cracks and fractures inside them (especially when they reach the surface of the diamond).
Chips on the Surface: These don’t just look bad, they impact the structural integrity of the diamond. If the diamond has already chipped then there’s a pretty good chance that it’ll chip again while being set in your ring.
You can learn lots more about inclusions and diamond clarity here.