Oval Diamonds: Timeless and Trendy
When it comes to timeless perfection no other diamond holds a candle to a classic round.
Elegant and stunning, round diamonds are cut to sparkle and we can all agree that they do their job effortlessly.
While your heart may be set on a round stone, if you’re on a budget you may find yourself wishing for a little more bling for your buck.
The problem? You’re not willing to compromise on timeless style. You’re a classic kinda gal and though square cut diamonds certainly are gorgeous, they just don’t sparkle or scream “classic” the way a simple round solitaire does.
Let us introduce to your (possible) new best friend. The oval diamond. The hidden gem of gems, with a traditional-feel and modern spin that sparkles with everything you love about a round stone - but offers more bang for your buck.
Whether you’re obsessed with rounds and on a budget, or you consider yourself timeless and modern at the same time, here are six reasons why you should look twice at an oval cut diamond.
They just may be the new round.
Bigger IS Better
One of the very best features of oval diamonds is that smaller carat sizes look bigger than their weight! In fact, their surface area is about 10% bigger than round stones.
Because the elongated shape make oval cuts appear longer than their round counterparts- they simply cover more surface area. When comparing a round and oval diamond of the same carat weight side by side, to the naked eye, the oval diamond looks bigger because it covers more finger!
More Bling For Your Buck
Not only do oval diamonds look bigger per carat than round diamonds, but they should either cost the same or cost less than a round stone of the same stats. An oval should never cost more than a round or princess cut diamond. Even if it’s a bigger-looking stone, an oval loses less “rough” diamond in the cutting process than a round or princess, which makes it cost less.
The best part? An oval diamond with less carat weight can look larger than a round diamond that’s a larger carat size. Meaning you can spend less money on “carats” and still get a stone that looks it’s weight!
Different Shapes and Sizes
A round is, well round. Some may be large, some may be small - but at the end of the day, they’re all the same basic shape.
Don’t get me wrong, this is not to say that round stones aren’t absolutely gorgeous (I have 2 myself)but with an Oval, you have a little more variety to choose from within the oval cut itself.
You can choose between a long, more slender oval shape, or a fuller and wider oval - depending on what look you’re trying to achieve - which makes the choice and design of the ring that much more personal.
They’re Actually More Rare
Come on, are you that surprised? Doesn’t it seem like everyone and her sister is sporting a 2 Ct round solitaire these days?
I know “oval” doesn’t sound rare, but because this shape is far less in demand than her round cousin, they can be had for prices that are a steal.
In other words you get to have a more unique ring, that’s considered rare, that looks bigger (even if it weighs less) for less money than you’d spend on a round diamond.
Are you ready to snag up a perfect oval stone? ( I’ve been shopping here while writing, not gonna lie.)
Before you (and me) whip out the Visa, there’s just one tiny little potential flaw to point out within an oval cut diamond...
Beware of The Bow Tie
And no, we don’t mean men’s neckwear.
The Bowtie Effect, is something that almost every oval cut diamond will have (don’t freak out quite yet).
Simply put, the Bow Tie Effect happens within fancy cut stones, because of an uneven distribution of light which casts a dark shadow that resembles a bowtie onto the stone.
An important detail to keep in mind when diamond shopping is that fancy cuts (including Ovals) don’t receive a cut grade (though they do have target proportions that give an idea) -- so be sure that you can really look at the diamond before you decided to buy.
There’s a reason ovals are becoming the new round, and we have a feeling between their timeless elegance, actual rarity, and bank account friendly bling, you’ll be smitten the moment you see yours on.