Tips and Tricks

What is a Cushion Cut Diamond? | Rare Carat

Looking for a little change up to the typical round shaped diamond? Maybe something a little more exciting or edgy (literally)?? How about a shape that is elegant, classy, and sophisticated?! If any of this sounds good to you then you might be interested in a cushion cut diamond! I love this charming diamond shape and I am sure it will quickly win you over too!


When it comes to diamond shapes, the round diamond is the standard. All other diamond shapes are called fancy cuts, including our super glam cushion cut diamonds. The general silhouette of a cushion cut is super easy to explain - imagine the cushion of a basic couch
that square shape with slightly rounded corners and sometimes even curved edges
well that is exactly what a cushion cut diamond looks like.

Image of round brilliant versus cushion cut diamond

It is a classic brilliant cut (which means the faces of the diamond are cut specifically for exceptional brilliance) in either a square or rectangle silhouette, and always with rounded corners. And if you are interested in super-sizing the gem, check out the elongated cushion cut - one of my personal favs!

Length to width ratio comparisons for a cushion cut diamond - 1.0/1.10/1.2 perfectly square, slightly elongated, very elongated0

Cut Grade

Thecut of a diamond (as in one of the 4C’s) is crucial to how a diamond looks because it controls how the stone interacts with light. When light enters a well-cut gem, it can bounce around happily until it reflects back out in a dazzling display of sparkles. If cut wrong or weird or wonky, the diamond can’t sparkle properly and will appear hazy, dark, and/ or dull.

One of the unique things about fancy-shaped diamonds is how their official cut grade is determined for reports. With the standard round diamond, there are percentages and angles and measurements involved
it is a very exact process where we are able to know what a round cut diamond would look like without seeing it. A cushion cut diamond does not have that

The cut grades for these shapes are based on the overall look, symmetry, and proportions of the diamond - and with each individual stone potentially having different ratios that might all look good, it is ultimately much more challenging to grade fancy cut diamonds. But! This also allows for personal preference to come into play! Because each cushion cut diamond is somewhat unique, your favorite looking diamond might be different than someone else’s, or you might disagree about it being a lower or higher cut grade. Honestly, the best advice I have for you is to look at the options of diamonds yourself and then make a decision based on your favorite looking stone! You can’t lose if you love what the diamond looks like before buying it. We do have some ideal guidelines set up to help you find a well cut cushion though and you can always chat with one of our gemologists for more insight and help choosing your winning stone.

Ideal cushion  (1).png


Whenever a diamond is priced, every quality factor is taken into consideration. However, in general, the clarity and carat weight will be extremely influential - the bigger, cleaner the stone, the rarer and more expensive it will be. The good news here is that any fancy cut diamond, such as our cushion cut diamond, will always be less expensive than a comparable round cut diamond. The high demand for round shaped stones is what drives their price up, which means a cushion cut diamond will be a win for the budget!

Cushion vs round price comparison.png

All diamonds have Rare Carat Ideal cut grades with none to Faint fluorescence. Diamond prices fluctuate daily, this chart is for comparison purposes only and may change rapidly based on the market.

I am a huge supporter of the cushion cut diamond
 I mean I am a big fan of all diamonds, but a cushion cut diamond is a classy shape that has a little bit of extra pazazz. It can look almost round from afar, or square when you get close, and that is what makes it so fun! I am definitely advising that if you are interested in something a little different or looking for your new favorite shape of diamond - give the cushion cut diamond a try!

Not sure the cushion cut diamond is right for you? Check out some other options and ideas below:

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Breean Mokede
Breean Mokede
Educated as an earth scientist, trained as a graduate gemologist, soul of an artist, lover of all things beautiful, and here to be your personal gemstone guru.